Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quran Android 1.2

And we are back !

This morning we have released version 1.2 of Quran Android.

New added features are:
- Sahih International Translation.
- Lock orientation to either landscape or portrait modes.

Navigation updates:
- Add a bookmark via Menu > Bookmarks > Add, rather than long tapping on screen.

Bug fixes:
- A fix for the bookmarks bug. (Thanks for all users who reported the bug, Jazakom Allah khayra)

For All users who sent us feedbacks and suggestions Jazakom Allah khayra..

Willing to test our next updates ?
Drop us an email on stating:
- Your name and title.
- Device model and Android version.
- Your experience with software testing, if any.

Stay tuned for the next updates !

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Processing files with certain patterns

While I was working on some project, I wanted to move backwards to an old branch to check how an old feature used to work.. and as I normal attitude when I switch to a branch I sync it up with the master branch.. and git just returned

# Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
# and have 3 and 475 different commit(s) each, respectively.

ohh.. I forgot that I don't need most of the newly added modules to the project and I should remove some of them, also many conflicts between files..

OK, I thought to just delete/revert some changes to let my branch work.. yet doing this manually would be a very ridiculous task and would consume much time..

Yet, on shell you can do that with just few commands..
So, lets see how can we do that..

1- Get change list from git
(short hand for git status) would return whole list of changes
git st

# On branch BRANCH_X
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 9 commits.
# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# file1.x
# file2.x

2- redirect to awk
git st |  awk '{print $0}'

same output from step1 but returned by awk

3- filter the files change list by awk 
git st | awk '/<your_filter_pattern>/ {print $0}'

for example: simple filtering for '#\t+' (regular expression for: a # followed by one or more tabs)
git st | awk '/#\t+/ {print $0}'

# file1.x
# file2.x

3- extract file names only in awk (remove heading # and tabs)
git st | awk '/#\t+/ {gsub(/#\t+/,"", $0); print $0}' 


4- redirect awk output to shell to remove/revert these files
xargs <shell_command>

git st | awk '/#\t+/ {gsub(/#\t+/,"", $0); print $0}' | xargs rm

would remove all files returned in step3

Useful links