Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Quran Android

Quran Android

الحمد لله رب العالمين ، والصلاة والسلام على أشرف المرسلين..

In one of the busiest weeks in our life, Ahmed El-Helw and I, had to finalize our pending tasks on Quran Android, an open source Quran Application for Android devices.

We were on time ! And our first release was last night (أول ليلة في رمضان) before salat el fajer.
El Hamdulilah, over 130 downloads on SlideMe and 225 downloads on Android market in the first day of the release.

Quran Android, is in Mushaf El Maddinah format.

Check out Quran Android screen shots:

You can also enjoy reading in full screen mode in either landscape or portrait orientation.

Quran Android upcoming features:
- Bookmarks
- Search
- Translations
- Tafasser
- Quraat
- Recitations

Have an Android device ? Get Quran Android from android market.
You can view the app via this link on your browser..

Have SlideMe on your android ? Get Quran Android from your device.

Or downloaded it directly from

Android users, contact us, give us feedback, suggest features and rate the application.

Android developers, the source code is on github. Willing to contribute ? Contact us.

Special thanks to Hany Saber, Quran Android theme designer.

Special thanks to Wael Nafee and Ahmed Fouad, for help and support.

Special thanks to Ahmed El-Helw, Quran Android project owner and initiator.

ﻻ تنسونا من صالح الدعاء..


  1. جزاكم الله كل خير وجعله نفعا للمسلمين وفى ميزان حسناتكم

  2. I suppose you know about iQuran.. if not, you have to.. I have it on my N1 and it's really great.. big font, bookmarks, different ways of browsing (by surah, goz2, 7ezb quarters..)
    It also has translation and recitations..

    The best thing about it is that it identifies every single verse.. I mean you can select one verse and bookmark it, not just bookmark a page (actually it has no notion of pages)

    What it lacks is Tafseer and search.. and it would be great if you can add those

  3. Jazakom Allah khayran, Very impressive effort my dear brothers, May Allah bless whoever worked or helped in this religious project, hopefully I can see it ported to other mobile platforms soon

  4. @Islam: جزانا وإياكم، ونفع الله بنا وبكم

    @Haitham: yeah I know about iQuran, I have it installed on my phone, yet I miss on it the layout of moshaf el madinnah as I am used to it and also many others who memorizes Quran like to stick to the same page style whenever they read from Quran as it helps them more to concentrate. Thats the reason why we worked on making Quran Android shipped with high quality optimized images with the layout of moshaf el madinnah.

    @Motagaly: جزانا وإياكم.. we plan to port it on different mobile phones that still lacks Quran in moshaf el madinnah format..

  5. al Salam 3alaykum, jazakum allah alf 5ayr 3anna ... you're really gr8 because unfortunately there is not much good Qur'an apps for android, so thanks Allah that's very good ... my point is that I can't bookmark a page, like I have a bookmark page, but I don't know how to bookmark a page so I can see there .. jazakum Allah 5ayr plz contact me on my email:

  6. al salam 3alikom
    jazakom allah kol 5eir
    i am a beginner developper and i wanted to learn from this project
    but i am facing a problem that the class "" couldnt be generated

    any suggestions ?

    1. how are your project? it solved? when isn't you can try to unchecked library properties and then clean your project

  7. assalaamu 'alaikum,

    jazakumullah khairan katsira for your effort in making this app.
    i just want to ask one thing,
    is it possible to download recitation for quran android from PC. i mean if I and my friend instal quran android and want to add recitation, why do both of us must download those large recitation. one person is enough, and the other can copy it. and since downloading from android device use quite large data package, downloading from pc would just be more more handy.

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